So you have the option to retire. Other than financial considerations, what worries you most about retirement?
We live in an era of constant and significant change – some of it wonderful, some of it not at all welcome.
In the course of your career you will no doubt have experienced change many times. In fact, you may have driven change many times. But how do you feel about the next stage?
Regardless of what you want to call it, and whether you plan to continue working in some form, this stage of your career is recognised as a significant life change.
It may feel challenging if you have worked long and hard to get to this point in your career. You have so much wisdom and experience, you are known and respected for your work. You are accustomed to being a leader and decision-maker. How will that change?
How will you view yourself?
How will you introduce yourself to new connections?
How will your interactions with existing networks change?
These are major changes related to your identity.
Acknowledge the potential to feel overwhelmed and possibly a bit lost. Consider that leaving your professional role may create feelings of grief. You would not be alone in this.
The good news is that retirement is not what it used to be. Thankfully, we also live in an era where you get to choose what’s next.
You can take charge, explore what is right for you and develop a plan for how you will thrive in the years ahead.
